THE TIMETAMER (8+) Can you bring the End to an end?
concept, scenography & animation Erki De Vries & Freija Van Esbroeck / play Kurt Vandendriessche / music Ruben Nachtergaele / director Michiel Alberts / dramaturgy Ruth Mariën / montage Anaïs Negre / coach animation Paul Delissen / costumes Kristin Vanden Bosch / coproduction HET LAB Hasselt, Het Laatste Bedrijf / supported by Theater FroeFroe, De Warande, hetpaleis, Walpurgis & De Grote Post / © Freija Van Esbroeck
What color does time have? Is happiness bigger than sadness or not? Can you become richer if you lose something? Can missing somebody even make you happy? Can you change the past? And would you like that?
On stage: a man, an inventor, an artist. Through shadow images, drawings, puppets, objects and music, he takes us on a wordless journey through his past. He shows how he had to say goodbye to his beloved girl and how this goodbye brought him to wonderful places.
Come along on this journey that revolves over time and travels visually through amazing worlds: landscapes of memories, memories of landscapes.
For the third time, WIThWIT will premiere during the Krokusfestival. After the fascinating Les soeurs and the fascinating WunderKammer, de TijdTemmer shows a wonderful figure in a visual installation full of visual and musical surprises.
WIThWit was founded in 2014 by Erki De Vries en Freija Van Esbroeck, both well-known for their contributions as visual artists and scenographers for dance and theater.
WIThWit is involved in a broad range of activities connected to visual arts (theater, performances, installations, exhibitions). WIThWit co-operates with other artists from various disciplines to create experimental work for all age groups. Their wordless performances transcend language barriers and encourage to cherish the magic of visual imagery. Installations and sculptures are not reduced to a solely functional role in the story but become the main character on stage. In the intimacy of the theater box they get a new, layered meaning. Poetic worlds are created for young and old, whereby visual art and theater are merging.