AIAIAI (3+) a performance ful of tiger, bear and pignonsens
This performance for very little children is made by Annelore Stubbe and Gert Dupont, lifemusic by Arne Leurentop (And They Spoke in Anthoms) and direction by Marc Maillard.
The creation was inspired by the work of Janosh, the famous Polish autor and illustrator.
Première is planed in april 2020.
AIAIAI repetitiefoto - verstopt
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AIAIAI repetitiefoto - konijn in boom
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AIAIAI repetitiefoto - tijger, rat en wolf
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AIAIAI repetitiefoto - tijger en vogel
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AIAIAI repetitiefoto's - vliegende rat
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AIAIAI repetitiefoto's - wolf
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tekening tijger leent een ei
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tekening tijger en varken
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tekening beertje bakt pannenkoeken