Can stones become your friends?
Does shadow make noise?
Who danced with light yet?
Can plants sing?
How old is water?
Has time the same value for everyone?
Turn your imagination on and discover how everyday objects are going to lead a life of their own in this room of miracles! A chair is turning around his own shadow, a light spot is dancing in the air, sand is flowing away with time.
After Les Soeurs WIThWIT creates a new wordless performance with objects as main players. What happens if you put the laws of reality aside? With WunderKammer Erki De Vries and Freija Van Esbroeck create a fantasy world according to its own logic. In one big chain reaction of building, transforming and demolishing, they bring objects to life. With strings, pulleys, sound and light, they make surreal buildings that take you from one reality to the other.
Watch and listen, build your own room of miracles, crawl into a stone and dive with us into the water!
Concept Freija Van Esbroeck & Erki De Vries Scenery and sculptures Erki De Vries & Freija Van Esbroeck Performers: Erki De Vries, Joke Van Canneyt, Freija Van Esbroeck Music: Ruben Nachtergaele Light Barbara De Wit
With he help of: Ruth Mariën, Marnix Rummens, David Masson
Kostumes: Kristin Vanden Bosch
Coaching: Annelies Van Hullebusch
Production WIThWIT vzw Coproduction Platform 0090, P2 - CCHA & Theater aan het Vrijthof Maastricht & Krokusfestival, Theater FroeFroe with support of the City of Antwerp and the Flamish Community